“My beloved ship….the Albert Leo Schlageter”

"SSS Albert Leo Schlageter Logbuch" written by Hans Heinrich
( Photograph of Hans Heinrich, collection Dankward Heinrich )

The huge three-masted silhouette and gleaming white hull of the Military School Ship “NRP Sagres” is a brand image engraved in the minds not only of the Portuguese soldiers who served on board, but also of an entire nation and perhaps the world. As remarkable and fabulous as its modern history is, we're not talking about that today, but rather its origins....

Originally built at the Blohm & Voss shipyard in Hamburg in 1937, it was handed over to the German Navy a year later, where it played a vital role in training German sailors during various voyages and naval training during the Third Reich..... where the story of “Hans Heinrich”, sailor and crew member of the “Segelschulschiff Albert Leo Schlageter” in 1944 and in the service of commander “Kapitän zur See Joachim Asmus”, begins.

From February 1944, when he joined the crew, to July of the same year, “Hans” took part in various training trips between Kiel, Danzig, Pillau, Swinemünde, trained with comrades from other ships, including the “Gorch Fock”, visited destroyed cities by the ongoing war and even received the news of the Allied invasion of Normandy in June.

We spoke to Dankward Heinrich, the son of “Hans”, who gave us details and also authorized the production of this article based on his father's records and photographic data.


António Fragoeiro and Dankward Heinrich

Sailor Hans Heinrich, January 1944
( Photograph of Hans Heinrich, collection Dankward Heinrich )

SSS Albert Leo Schlageter
( Photograph of Hans Heinrich, collection Dankward Heinrich )

Crew of the SSS Albert Leo Schlageter in Danzig with Hans Heinrich in the extreme right, July 1944
( Photograph of Hans Heinrich, collection Dankward Heinrich )

Knot exercise in the presence of Vice-Admiral Thiele, July 1944
(Photograph of Hans Heinrich, collection Dankward Heinrich )

"Kapitän zur See Asmus", Captain of the SSS Albert Leo Schlageter.
( Photograph of Hans Heinrich, collection Dankward Heinrich )

Hans achieved the military rank of “Fähnrich zur. See” or ‘Aspirant’ at officer school but ended the war as a prisoner, in British captivity, where he remained until his release on July 13, 1945.

He died on February 18, 2012, but not without seeing his “beloved ship” Albert Leo Schlageter one last time..... visiting it in the German port of Bremerhaven in 1995.

Hans Heinrich on the wheel of his former ship, at Bremerhaven pier in 1995"
( Photograph of Hans Heinrich, collection Dankward Heinrich )

Hans Heinrich in the messehall of the "NRP Sagres", surrounded by visitors and Portuguese military , Bremerhaven, 1995
( Photograph of Hans Heinrich, collection Dankward Heinrich )


Fontes/ Sources:

  • Arquivos: National Archives UK, Kew (GB); Arquivo Histórico da Marinha (PT); Arquivo Histórico do MNE (PT); Álbum fotográfico de H.Mello, Colecção António Fragoeiro
  • Sites: uboat.net; 
  • Livros: Shipping Company Losses of the second World War, Ian M. Malcolm; Lista dos Navios da Marinha Portuguesa, datas 1939 a 1945;